On 29th of April 2023, the participants of the Parish General Assembly considered the various areas of parish ministries which are essential for the growth, vitality, and mission of the Church community. These areas include the following:
- Worship and Liturgy: Parishioners can participate in liturgical ministries such as Eucharistic ministers, altar servers, lectors, choir, and music ministry.
- Faith Formation: This ministry involves the formation and education of all members of the parish community in the Catholic faith, including children, youth, and adults. This ministry includes Religious Education, Bible studies, RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults), and various faith formation programs.
- Social Outreach and Justice: This ministry involves reaching out to those in need and promoting social justice. Parishioners can participate in various outreach programs such as food banks, shelters, and visitation of the sick and elderly.
- Evangelization: This ministry focuses on sharing the good news of the Gospel with those who are not part of the Church. Parishioners can participate in evangelization programs such as door-to-door visits, Alpha courses, and other initiatives promoting evangelization.
- Parish Life: This ministry organizes social events and activities that unite the community. Parishioners can participate in parish life events such as potluck dinners, picnics, and other community-building activities.
- Stewardship: This ministry involves the responsible management of the resources, talents, and time God has given us. Parishioners can participate in various stewardship programs such as financial stewardship, volunteering, and other initiatives that promote good stewardship.
Data Gathering Instrument:
The questionnaire used are open-ended questions, which are often used in qualitative research to gather detailed information about participants' experiences, opinions, and perspectives. Open-ended questions allow participants to provide more detailed and nuanced responses compared to closed-ended questions (e.g., multiple-choice or yes/no questions), which can limit the range of responses and restrict participants' input.
Open-ended questions in a questionnaire allow participants to express their thoughts and ideas in their own words, providing valuable insights into their perspectives and experiences. In particular, the questions above allow participants to express their feelings and opinions about different areas of parish ministry, which can help inform decision-making and planning for future ministry initiatives.
Limitations and Weaknesses
It is important to consider that the number of participants in the Assembly may not be fully representative of the wider community in terms of age, gender, ethnicity, or other relevant factors from a statistical point of view. The participants may introduce biases into the sample as well. Given the specific goals of the Assembly, the resources available, and the characteristics of the population of interest, purposive sampling is used as the participants were involved in particular ministries or had expertise in certain areas of interest. Careful consideration of the strengths and limitations of each method can help to ensure that the sample is as representative and valid as possible.
Question 1 allows participants to identify their areas of passion and energy, providing valuable information about which areas of parish ministry are most important to them. This information can be used to prioritize and allocate resources, as well as to develop new initiatives that align with the interests and passions of the community.
Question 2 allows participants to identify areas where they may be less engaged or motivated, providing insight into potential barriers or challenges that may need to be addressed. This information can be used to identify areas where additional resources or support may be needed, as well as to develop strategies for increasing engagement and motivation in these areas.
Question 3 encourages participants to think about collaboration and support, promoting a spirit of cooperation and teamwork in the parish community. This information can be used to identify opportunities for collaboration and mutual support, as well as to develop strategies for ensuring that all areas of parish ministry are attended to and receive the attention they deserve.
Results (Raw) Part 1
Areas | 1st Choice (x2) | 2nd choice(x1) | Points | Rank |
Worship and Liturgy | 11 | 4 | 26 pts. | Rank 1 |
Faith Formation | 8 | 2 | 18 pts. | Rank 3 |
Social Outreach and Justice | 2 | 6 | 12 pts. | Rank 4 |
Evangelization | | 1 | 1 pt. | Rank 6 |
Pastoral Life | 3 | 5 | 11 pts. | Rank 5 |
Stewardship | 7 | 5 | 19 pts. | Rank 2 |
| Reasons for Resonating with this area: |
Worship and Liturgy | · Saying the Rosary · Reverence · Respecting God · House of Prayer · Enjoys being a Lector (x2); Bringing the Gospel to life · Praying for celebration of Mass · I am motivated to serve if I find it easy. · Keep me united (?) with God and reading reinforces what I believe. · I am a musician and enjoy contributing to music in Church and Church activities. · Choir, the Mass, and Music · I love singing and worshipping as I feel closer to God, what first inspired me. · I’m so blessed / felt blessed when serving in worship and liturgy |
Descriptive Interpretation | Based on the responses provided, it appears that they are highly interested in and values their faith and spirituality. They find joy and fulfilment in participating in religious activities such as praying, saying the Rosary, serving as a Lector, and contributing to music in Church. They also prioritize unity with God and reinforcing their beliefs through reading and worship. |
Strengths | √ strong sense of devotion and dedication to their faith, √ willingness to serve and contribute to Church activities, √ musical talents √ good communication skills √ passion for sharing their beliefs with others. |
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| Reasons for Resonating with this area: |
Faith Formation | · Teaching the importance of the Eucharist · To contribute to the development of children, parishioners, young adults · Door to door visit · Sharing of knowledge · I am motivated to serve if I find it easy. · Because I love people. I want them to feel love and joy I feel through parish life and the Holy Spirit · Bible Study · Message of the Gospel · I developed my faith so strong over the years, and would be happy to share! · I can help people, especially young ones, to clarify ethical issues and conflicting issues between science and religion, etc, evolution vs creation. |
Descriptive Interpretation | Based on the responses provided, it appears that they are highly interested in their faith and in serving others. They are passionate about sharing their knowledge of the Gospel and the importance of the Eucharist, and they are motivated to serve others out of a desire to share the love and joy they have experienced through parish life and the Holy Spirit. |
Strengths | √ passion for teaching and sharing their faith, √ ability to connect with others and create a sense of community, √ willingness to help others with ethical and conflicting issues related to science and religion, √ skilled at organizing and leading events and activities related to faith and spirituality |
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| Reasons for Resonating with this area: |
Social Outreach and Justice | · Looks after the homeless and does not discriminate. · Helps us put our spiritual values into practice. · SVP - people’s needs · I help those less fortunate · Helping others and hopefully seeing their lives turn for the better |
Descriptive Interpretation | Based on the responses provided, it appears that they are highly interested in serving those who are less fortunate and in putting their spiritual values into practice through acts of service. They are passionate about helping others and seeing their lives improve as a result. |
Strengths | √ compassion and empathy for others, √ ability to connect with people from diverse backgrounds and experiences, √ willingness to work hard to make a difference in the lives of others, √ skilled at organizing and leading community service projects and programs, √ have a strong network of contacts and resources to draw upon in their work. |
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| Reasons for Resonating with this area: |
Evangelization | · I got some time and money and so I share publications |
Descriptive Interpretation | Based on the response provided, it appears that they are interested in sharing information and resources with others. They are able and willing to invest their own time and money to distribute publications, indicating a desire to educate and inform others. |
Strengths | √ passion for sharing knowledge and information, √ ability to connect with others and communicate effectively, willingness to invest their own resources in pursuit of their goals, √ skilled at organizing and disseminating information, √ may have a strong network of contacts and resources to draw upon in their work. |
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| Reasons for Resonating with this area: |
Pastoral Life | · Bereavement · People are lonely; we need to include everyone · I work in finance and interested in social care · Encourage parishioners to engage with the areas that they feel most suited. · I like to pray with others · I help the needy · Being involved with parish community · Legion of Mary · Catechism |
Descriptive Interpretation | Based on the responses provided, it appears that they are interested in serving others and in promoting community engagement and inclusion. They are passionate about helping those who are grieving or lonely, and they are interested in using their skills in finance to contribute to social care initiatives. They also value prayer and spiritual connection, and they are actively involved in their parish community through organizations such as the Legion of Mary and Catechism. |
Strengths | √ compassion and empathy for others, √ ability to connect with people from diverse backgrounds and experiences, √ financial expertise’ √ skilled at organizing and leading community service projects and programs, √ may have a strong network of contacts and resources to draw upon in their work. |
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| Reasons for Resonating with this area: |
Stewardship | · Volunteering: Laundry and Cleaning · To ensure that we are able to carry out our mission · Finance of the Church is important to me. · Shows continuous service to God especially in the parish |
Descriptive Interpretation | Based on the responses provided, it appears that they are interested in serving their community and in ensuring that their church is able to carry out its mission effectively. They are willing to volunteer their time and effort to support the church by helping with tasks such as laundry and cleaning. They are also passionate about the financial health of the church, indicating a desire to ensure that it is able to sustain its operations over the long term. Finally, they value continuous service to God, particularly within their parish community. |
Strengths | √ willingness to work hard and contribute to the church through volunteering and financial support, √ strong organizational skills and attention to detail, which can be valuable in managing church operations and finances, √ dedication to continuous service to God may be a source of inspiration for others in the community. |
Faith-Based ‘Strength’ Analysis
The framework used for this survey is a simple ranking system that assigns double the value to the 1st choice compared to the 2nd choice. The formula used to calculate the points for each area is:
Points = (# of 1st choice votes x 2) + (# of 2nd choice votes)
1. The implications of the results show that the parishioners are most energized and passionate about Worship and Liturgy, which received the highest number of points with 26. This indicates that the parishioners are very committed to the spiritual and liturgical aspects of their faith, and place a high value on the worship services and rituals of the church.
2. Stewardship was the second most popular choice, with 19 points. This suggests that the parishioners are also committed to supporting the church financially and contributing to its material needs.
3. Faith Formation and Stewardship were ranked third and second, respectively, indicating that the parishioners place significant value on both spiritual growth and financial support for the church.
4. Social Outreach and Justice, Pastoral Life, and Evangelization received fewer points, indicating that the parishioners may be less passionate about these areas of parish ministry. However, this does not necessarily mean that they are not important to the parishioners, and further exploration may be needed to understand why they received fewer votes.
The results of this survey can be used to inform the planning and prioritization of parish ministry activities and initiatives. The areas that received the most points can be given greater attention and resources, while the areas that received fewer points may need additional outreach and engagement to build greater enthusiasm and support among the parishioners.
Based on the results of the survey, the areas of Worship and Liturgy and Stewardship received the highest points and therefore may be the areas that need greater attention and resources. Here are some potential strategies for planning to address these areas:
1. Worship and Liturgy: This area may benefit from additional resources and attention in order to improve the quality and variety of worship services and rituals. This could include hiring additional staff or volunteers to help plan and lead services, investing in new liturgical materials or technology, or providing additional training and support for liturgical ministers.
2. Stewardship: To support this area, the parish may need to develop more effective strategies for fundraising and financial management. This could include developing new programs or events to encourage donations or volunteerism, implementing a more effective system for tracking and reporting financial information, or hiring a financial professional to help manage the church's finances.
The areas of Faith Formation, Social Outreach and Justice, and Pastoral Life received fewer points, indicating that they may require additional outreach and engagement in order to build greater enthusiasm and support among the parishioners. Here are some potential strategies for planning to address these areas:
1. Faith Formation: To build greater enthusiasm for this area, the parish may need to develop more engaging and interactive programs for spiritual growth and education. This could include offering new courses or workshops on topics of interest to the community, inviting guest speakers or experts to present on relevant topics, or using technology and social media to reach a wider audience.
2. Social Outreach and Justice: To build greater support for this area, the parish may need to develop more effective strategies for community outreach and service. This could include partnering with local organizations or charities to address specific needs in the community, hosting events or programs that raise awareness of social justice issues, or providing training and resources for volunteers who are interested in serving in this area.
3. Pastoral Life: To build greater enthusiasm for this area, the parish may need to develop more opportunities for community building and pastoral care. This could include hosting more social events or gatherings that foster a sense of community and belonging, providing support and resources for families and individuals who are struggling with life transitions or challenges, or offering pastoral counselling and support to those in need.
The planning process for addressing the areas that require greater attention and resources and those that require additional outreach and engagement will involve a combination of strategic planning, community engagement, and resource allocation. By working collaboratively with the parish community, leaders can develop effective strategies that address the needs and interests of the community, and help to build a stronger, more vibrant faith community.
Results (Raw) Part 2
“Barriers and Challenges”
Areas | 1st Choice (x2) | 2nd choice(x1) | Points | Rank |
Worship and Liturgy | 2 | | 4 pts. | Rank 5.5 |
Faith Formation | 3 | 3 | 9 pts. | Rank 3 |
Social Outreach and Justice | 7 | 3 | 17 pts. | Rank 2 |
Evangelization | 11 | 6 | 28 pts. | Rank 1 |
Pastoral Life | 1 | 3 | 5 pts. | Rank 4 |
Stewardship | 1 | 2 | 4 pts. | Rank 5.5 |
| Reasons for feeling challenged with this area: |
Worship and Liturgy | · Done for so long |
Descriptive Interpretation | 1. Based on the response "Done for so long," it suggests that there may be resistance to change or innovation. This attitude can be a significant obstacle to implementing new ideas or approaches to worship and liturgy. It may be challenging to introduce new elements or modify existing practices if the organization believes that "how things have always been done" is the best way. 2. Another potential challenge related to this response may be complacency. If worship and liturgy has been done in the same way for a long time, there may be a tendency to become complacent and take the current practices for granted. This attitude can hinder innovation and improvement, as there may be a lack of motivation to seek out new ideas or ways of doing things. |
Strategies | 1. Communicate the reasons for the proposed changes and the potential benefits they may bring. Providing a clear rationale for why a new approach is needed can help to overcome resistance to change. Additionally, involving parishioners in the planning process and soliciting their input and feedback can help to ensure that the changes are seen as collaborative and inclusive; 2. Create a culture of continuous improvement and innovation. Encouraging feedback and suggestions from parishioners, providing opportunities for development and training, and celebrating successes and achievements can all help to foster a culture of growth and improvement. |
| Reasons for feeling challenged with this area: |
Faith Formation | · Lack of knowledge · Needs training · Needs training · Need to learn first before sharing them to others. · I feel uncomfortable with. But if we encourage many people in the Church to listen to the needs of this ministry, we may get some people more involved. |
Descriptive Interpretation | 1. Lack of knowledge can be a significant barrier to faith formation and education. If parishioners do not have a strong foundation in the faith, it may be challenging to engage them in deeper learning and understanding. 2. Some parishioners may have a desire to share their faith with others but lack the skills or confidence to do so effectively. 3. It is important for parishioners to have a strong foundation in the faith before sharing it with others. 4. Some parishioners may feel uncomfortable with certain aspects of faith formation or evangelization. |
Strategies | 1. It is essential to identify and address any gaps in knowledge by providing resources and opportunities for learning, such as faith-sharing groups, Bible studies, and online resources; 2. Providing training and support for evangelization and outreach can help to overcome this barrier. Offering workshops, mentorship programs, and other training opportunities can equip parishioners with the knowledge and skills needed to share their faith with others; 3. Encouraging ongoing faith formation and education can help to ensure that parishioners are well-equipped to share their faith effectively. It is also important to provide opportunities for reflection and discernment, so parishioners can determine the best ways to share their faith based on their gifts and abilities; 4. Encouraging open and honest dialogue about these concerns can help to identify any underlying issues and find solutions to address them. It is also important to recognize and celebrate the diverse gifts and talents of parishioners and provide opportunities for involvement that align with their interests and abilities. |
| Reasons for feeling challenged with this area: |
Social Outreach and Justice | · Mainly because I would find it difficult physically · Fear to approach non-Christian · (potential) Violence · Not areas that interest me. · Difficulties on timing and other things. · Uncomfortable with lack of knowledge · Lack of expertise |
Descriptive Interpretation | 1. Physical limitations can be a significant barrier to social outreach and justice. Some parishioners may have mobility issues or health concerns that make it difficult for them to participate in certain outreach activities. 2. Fear can also be a significant barrier to social outreach and justice, particularly when approaching non-Christians or those from different cultures or backgrounds. 3. Safety concerns can also be a significant barrier to social outreach and justice, particularly in areas where there is a risk of violence or conflict. 4. Parishioners may have different interests and priorities that may make social outreach and justice less appealing to them. 5. Some parishioners may feel uncomfortable with their lack of knowledge or expertise in certain areas of social outreach and justice, such as poverty alleviation or human rights. |
Strategies | 1. It is essential to identify and address these barriers by providing alternative ways for parishioners to get involved, such as donating time or resources, or supporting outreach programs in other ways. 2. It is crucial to provide education and training on cultural sensitivity and interfaith dialogue to help parishioners overcome these fears and build relationships with those who may be different from them. 3. It is essential to assess the risks and take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of parishioners and those they are serving, such as partnering with local organizations and authorities to provide security or avoiding high-risk areas altogether. 4. It is essential to provide a range of outreach opportunities that cater to different interests and schedules to encourage broad participation. 5. It is essential to provide resources and training opportunities to build knowledge and skills in these areas, as well as to encourage parishioners to collaborate with those who have more expertise. |
| Reasons for feeling challenged with this area: |
Evangelization | · Unapproachable people · Would not feel confident knocking on stranger’s doors to spread the faith · Evangelization is difficult to do and feel it is hard to engage with a sceptical and unfriendly public. We need some preparation and training. · Done for so long. · Not areas that interest me. · Difficulties on amount of time and other works · Lack of time · Sometimes too aware of myself of what others think · Lack of time · I have tried before to go out and knock on doors but evangelization can be through leading a good Christian life to the best of your ability. · Lack of experience · Cultural and social inhibition · Uncomfortable with lack of knowledge · I feel uncomfortable with. But if we encourage many people in the Church to listen to the needs of this ministry, we may get some people more involved. · Lack of expertise · I would feel uncomfortable going out to people’s homes · I am not comfortable discussing to strangers but ok with parishioners and people I know. |
Descriptive Interpretation | 1. Some people may be resistant or unapproachable when it comes to evangelization. This can be challenging for parishioners who are trying to share their faith. 2. Door-to-door evangelization can be intimidating for some parishioners. 3. Training and preparation are essential for effective evangelization. 4. Complacency and lack of interest can be significant barriers to evangelization. 5. Time constraints can be a significant barrier to evangelization. 6. Fear of rejection or criticism can be a significant barrier to evangelization. 7. Lack of experience / Lack of expertise. 8. Uncomfortable with lack of knowledge. 9. Feeling uncomfortable |
Strategies | 1. It is important to provide training and resources to help parishioners develop strategies for approaching unapproachable people, such as through building relationships and identifying common ground. 2. It is important to provide alternative ways for parishioners to evangelize, such as through social media or community events. Providing training and support for these alternative methods can help to build confidence and effectiveness in evangelization. 3. Providing education and training on evangelization methods, cultural sensitivity, and apologetics can help parishioners to engage with a skeptical and unfriendly public and effectively communicate the faith. 4. Providing opportunities for parishioners to learn about new evangelization methods and emphasizing the importance of evangelization can help to overcome these barriers. 5. Providing flexible opportunities for evangelization, such as online or community-based events, can help to overcome these barriers. 6. Providing training and support for building confidence and effective communication can help parishioners to overcome this fear. 7. Providing training and resources on evangelization methods and apologetics can help to overcome these barriers. 8. Providing education and training on cultural sensitivity and apologetics can help to overcome these barriers and build confidence in parishioners. 9. Encouraging open and honest dialogue about concerns can help to identify any underlying issues and find solutions to address them. 10. Providing alternative ways for evangelization, such as through social media or community events, can help to overcome these barriers. |
| Reasons for feeling challenged with this area: |
Pastoral Life | · Really require social skills and interaction. Maybe some training in small groups? · Lack of time · Family Life · I help when asked to be involved with Church celebrations, Christmas decorations, etc. This I enjoy. |
Descriptive Interpretation | 1. Pastoral life requires social skills and interaction, which can be challenging for some parishioners. 2. Time constraints can be a significant barrier to pastoral life. 3. Balancing family responsibilities and pastoral care can be challenging. 4. Some parishioners may be more interested in specific aspects of pastoral life, such as celebrations or decorations. |
Strategies | 1. Provide training and resources for social skills and small group interaction that can help to build confidence and effectiveness in pastoral care. 2. Provide flexible opportunities for pastoral care, such as online or community-based events, that can help to overcome these barriers. 3. Provide family-friendly opportunities for pastoral care, such as family retreats or events, that can help to overcome these barriers. 4. Provide opportunities for parishioners to get involved in areas they enjoy that can help to foster a sense of community and engagement. |
| Reasons for feeling challenged with this area: |
Stewardship | No comment |
Descriptive Interpretation | 1. Lack of awareness: Some parishioners may not be aware of the importance of stewardship or may not understand how their contributions support the work of the Church. 2. Lack of motivation: Some parishioners may not be motivated to contribute their time, talent, or treasure to the Church. 3. Financial constraints: Some parishioners may not be able to contribute financially due to financial constraints. 4. Lack of trust: Some parishioners may not trust that their contributions will be used effectively or may be concerned about financial transparency. 5. Lack of coordination: Lack of coordination and communication among stewardship efforts can lead to duplication of efforts and confusion among parishioners. |
Strategies | 1. Providing education and communication about the importance and impact of stewardship can help to overcome this barrier. 2. Providing opportunities for parishioners to see the impact of their contributions and how they align with the Church's mission can help to build motivation and engagement. 3. Providing alternative ways for parishioners to contribute, such as through volunteerism or prayer, can help to overcome this barrier. 4. Providing transparency in financial management and stewardship, as well as emphasizing the impact of contributions, can help to build trust and confidence in stewardship. 5. Providing a clear and coordinated approach to stewardship, as well as clear communication about how to contribute and the impact of contributions, can help to overcome this barrier. |
Faith-Based ‘Barriers and Challenges’ Analysis
The framework used for this survey is a simple ranking system that assigns double the value to the 1st choice compared to the 2nd choice. The formula used to calculate the points for each area is:
Points = (# of 1st choice votes x 2) + (# of 2nd choice votes)
1. Based on the results provided, it appears that the participants of the General Assembly feel most challenged by the area of Evangelization, which received the highest number of points and ranked first. This indicates that the parishioners may find it difficult to effectively share their faith with others and may struggle with evangelizing and spreading the message of the Gospel.
2. Social Outreach and Justice received the second-highest number of points and ranked second, indicating that parishioners may also feel challenged in the area of social outreach and justice. This may suggest that the community may struggle with effectively addressing social justice issues or reaching out to marginalized or disadvantaged groups in their community.
3. Faith Formation received the third-highest number of points, indicating that some parishioners may feel challenged in their spiritual growth and education. This may suggest that the community may need additional resources or support to help members deepen their understanding and practice of the faith.
4. Pastoral Life, Worship and Liturgy, and Stewardship received fewer points and lower rankings, indicating that the community may be less challenged in these areas. However, this does not necessarily mean that these areas do not require attention or improvement, and further exploration may be needed to understand the community's needs and challenges in these areas.
The results of this survey can be used to inform the planning and prioritization of parish ministry activities and initiatives. The area of Evangelization, which was identified as the most challenging, may require additional resources and support to help the community effectively share their faith and spread the message of the Gospel. The area of Social Outreach and Justice may also require additional attention and support to help the community address social justice issues and reach out to marginalized groups. The areas of Faith Formation, Pastoral Life, Worship and Liturgy, and Stewardship may also benefit from further exploration and engagement to identify specific challenges and opportunities for growth and improvement.
Further guide questions for reflections in preparation for the next General Assembly:
Here are some guide questions for each of the parish ministry areas that can help prepare parishioners to reflect and think of the next steps in the implementation of the parish three-year planning activity:
1. Worship and Liturgy
- How can we make our worship services more engaging and meaningful for parishioners of all ages and backgrounds?
- What new liturgical practices or traditions could we introduce to enhance our worship services?
- How can we better incorporate music and the arts into our worship services to create a more uplifting and inspiring experience for parishioners?
2. Faith Formation
- How can we make our faith formation programs more relevant and accessible to parishioners of all ages and stages of faith development?
- What new topics or themes could we explore in our faith formation programs to deepen parishioners' understanding and practice of the faith?
- How can we better integrate technology and social media into our faith formation programs to reach a wider audience and engage younger generations?
3. Social Outreach and Justice
- How can we better identify and respond to our local community's social justice needs and concerns?
- What new partnerships or collaborations could we develop to address social justice issues more effectively?
- How can we engage parishioners better in social outreach and justice initiatives?
4. Evangelization
- How can we more effectively share our faith with others and spread the message of the Gospel?
- What new approaches or strategies could we use to evangelize and reach out to non-Catholics or those who have fallen away from the faith?
- How can we better equip and support parishioners to evangelize and share their faith with others?
5. Pastoral Life
- How can we better support and care for parishioners during transition or difficulty?
- What new pastoral services or resources could we offer to meet parishioners' needs better?
- How can we better foster community and belonging among parishioners and promote a culture of welcome and hospitality?
6. Stewardship
- How can we encourage and promote more significant financial support and giving among parishioners?
- What new stewardship programs or initiatives could we develop to promote a culture of generosity and service?
- How can we better communicate the impact of parishioners' financial contributions and the importance of stewardship to the life and mission of the parish?
By reflecting on these questions and discussing potential strategies and initiatives, parishioners can help inform and shape the parish's three-year planning activity and identify concrete next steps for growth and development in each ministry area.
Results (Verbatim) Part 3
“Collaboration and Support”
1. SVP would like stronger links to other groups in order to identify families in need of support. SVP would like Fr. Alex to consider using the hall for a “cost of living support” Day to help families in need.
2. Parish need a more democratic approach in the election of parish officials.
3. Bereavement group is very important and needed. We’d like to see more support for the group so that parishioners know it’s there. More advertising about the group. More training in bereavement counselling and how to support other cultures.
4. Children’s liturgy – involving them early so that the children’s interest is sparked. The course is quite long for some catechists. It’s also a long course for the children. Our Lady of Lourdes’ course is shorter.
5. Social outreach is very hard and a big commitment.
6. Increase awareness about SVP
7. People play to their strengths
8. What you are passionate about.
9. Saving seeds.
10. Sharing a meal.
11. Sharing in faith formation.
12. Define and share responsibility
13. Faith formation
14. Catechists
15. Interested in ministries
16. Volunteering
17. Lector, Financial
18. Social Outreach
19. Praying the Rosary
20. Cleaning the Church and areas needed
21. Enlightenment and training
22. Worship and liturgy
23. Giving enough reverence in the Church
24. Parish Retreat.
The third question is focused on collaboration and support within the parish ministries, indicating a desire for more teamwork and shared responsibility.
The question implies a recognition that parish ministries cannot operate in isolation and that collaboration is essential for achieving the mission and vision of the Church.
Summary: The responses to "How can we collaborate and support one another in our parish ministries?" varied, but several themes emerged. Some of the leading suggestions for fostering collaboration and support within the parish ministries included:
1. Communication: Several participants suggested improving communication between the ministries and community members would promote collaboration and support. This could include regular meetings, newsletters or bulletins, and other forms of outreach.
2. Shared Goals: Participants emphasized the importance of having shared goals and a clear vision for the Church to align the efforts of different ministries and promote collaboration.
3. Empowerment: Many participants stressed the need to empower members of the community to participate more fully in the life and mission of the Church. This could involve providing training and resources, recognizing and celebrating the contributions of all members, and creating opportunities for mentorship and support.
4. Leadership: Several participants noted that solid leadership is essential for promoting collaboration and support within the parish ministries. This could involve providing mentorship and support for new leaders, creating opportunities for feedback and evaluation, and developing clear structures for decision-making and accountability.
Overall, the responses to the question "How can we collaborate and support one another in our parish ministries?" suggest a strong desire for more teamwork, communication, and shared responsibility within the Church. By implementing the suggestions provided by the general assembly participants, the Church can promote a culture of collaboration and support that will help to achieve its mission and vision.
Next Steps
1. Develop a Synodality Framework: Based on the feedback and input from the General Assembly, the parish leadership could develop a framework for practicing and promoting synodality in the parish. This framework could include strategies for empowering and involving all members of the community in decision-making, promoting a culture of dialogue and collaboration, and ensuring that all voices are heard and valued.

Start-up Strategies: - Develop a Shared Vision and Mission: A shared vision and mission can help create a sense of unity and purpose within the community and provide a framework for decision-making and collaboration. It is essential to involve all community members in developing this vision and mission, to ensure that it reflects the needs and values of the community as a whole.
- Promote Open Communication: Open communication is essential for promoting dialogue and collaboration within the community. This can be achieved through regular meetings, town hall-style gatherings, and other forums where community members can share their thoughts and ideas. Creating a safe and welcoming environment where all voices are heard and valued is essential.
- Establish Clear Roles and Responsibilities: Clear roles and responsibilities can ensure that all community members are involved in decision-making and that everyone's contributions are recognized and valued. This can be done by developing job descriptions, committee structures, and other organizational frameworks.
- Provide Education and Training: Education and training can help empower community members to participate more fully in decision-making and collaboration. This can include training on leadership and communication skills, as well as education on the teachings and traditions of the Catholic Church.
- Foster a Culture of Collaboration: Fostering a culture of collaboration involves promoting teamwork and shared responsibility within the community. This can be achieved by developing collaborative projects and initiatives, recognizing and celebrating the contributions of all members, and creating opportunities for mentorship and support.
- Use Technology and Social-Media: Technology and social media can be powerful tools for promoting dialogue and collaboration within the community. This can include using online forums and messaging apps, as well as creating social media pages and groups where members can share their thoughts and ideas.
2. Strengthen Faith Formation Programs: To address the challenges identified in the faith formation ministry, the parish could invest in new resources, materials, and staff training to enhance the quality and effectiveness of faith formation programs. This could include developing new courses or workshops on relevant topics, providing support and resources for volunteers, and using technology and social media to reach a wider audience.
3. Enhance Social Outreach and Justice Initiatives: To address the challenges identified in the social outreach and justice ministry, the parish could develop new partnerships or collaborations with local organizations or charities to address specific needs in the community, host events or programs that raise awareness of social justice issues, and provide training and resources for volunteers who are interested in serving in this area.
4. Evangelization and Outreach Strategies: To address the challenges identified in evangelization ministry, the parish could develop new approaches or strategies to evangelize and reach out to non-Catholics or those who have fallen away from the faith. This could include developing new programs or initiatives that are tailored to the needs and interests of different groups, such as young adults, families, or seniors, and using social media and technology to reach a wider audience.
5. Strengthen Pastoral Care and Support: To address the challenges identified in the pastoral life ministry, the parish could develop new pastoral services or resources to better meet the needs of parishioners during times of transition or difficulty. This could include offering counselling or support groups, developing new pastoral programs or initiatives, and promoting a culture of welcome and hospitality.
6. Enhance Stewardship Initiatives: To promote greater financial support and giving among parishioners, the parish could develop new stewardship programs or initiatives to promote a culture of generosity and service. This could include providing education and training on stewardship principles and practices, offering new opportunities for volunteerism and service, and communicating the impact of parishioners' financial contributions to the life and mission of the parish.
Prepared by:
Fr. Viktor, RCJ
Approved by:
Fr. Alex Poblador, RCJ
Parish Priest / Convenor, Parish General Assembly 2023