Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Bridging the Gap: Understanding the Transgender Phenomenon and Upholding a Catholic Christian Response

Transgenderism (transgender or transgender identity), as a social phenomenon, reflects individuals' diverse experiences and identities in our society. Engaging in rational discourse about this topic involves acknowledging and respecting this diversity while considering the various implications of transgenderism on individuals and society. 

Sex and Gender

Sex refers to biological characteristics such as reproductive anatomy, hormones, and chromosomes that define a person as male, female, or intersex. Gender, on the other hand, refers to social and cultural roles, behaviors, expectations, and identities associated with being male or female. Gender is a social construct that varies across cultures and periods and is learned and enforced through socialization. While sex and gender are distinct concepts and should not be used interchangeably, intersex individuals and non-binary, genderqueer, or transgender people don't fit into traditional binary categories of male and female. To this point of consideration, everyone deserves the right to live, to be true to themselves, and to express themselves. Everyone equally has the responsibility to respect and support one another. 

For the sake of discussion, below is the basic argument (p – premise; c - conclusion) for the transgender rights movement: 

P1: Every person has the right to live authentically and express their true identity. 

P2: Gender identity is an essential aspect of a person's identity. 

P3: Gender identity may not align with biological sex. 

P4: Discrimination against individuals who do not conform to traditional gender norms is harmful and unjust. 

C: Therefore, transgender individuals have the right to express their true gender identity, free from discrimination or prejudice.

It's important to note that this argument is only one possible representation of the transgender movement's perspectives and beliefs and does not capture the full range of experiences, arguments, and views held by transgender individuals and their allies. But, the discussions about authenticity, gender identity, and discrimination underlying assumptions point to severe problems.

The term "authenticity" and its relationship to identity: "Authenticity" is a complex and contested concept, and its relationship to identity is unclear. The argument assumes that individuals have a singular "true" identity that they are entitled to express authentically. However, this assumption is open to question, as individuals may have multiple, shifting, or contradictory identities influenced by social and cultural factors.

The concept of "gender identity" and its relationship to biological sex: The argument assumes that gender identity is an essential aspect of a person's identity and may not align with biological sex. However, the relationship between gender identity and biological sex is complex and contested and may vary across cultures and historical periods. The argument also assumes that gender identity is a stable and coherent category, which may not always be accurate.

The meaning and implications of "discrimination": The argument assumes that discrimination against individuals who do not conform to traditional gender norms is harmful and unjust. However, the meaning of "discrimination" is not always clear and may vary depending on the context and the perspectives involved. The argument also assumes that individuals who do not conform to traditional gender norms are a marginalized group subject to discrimination, which may not always be accurate.


Granted that these assumptions have been recognized depending on individual cases that call for understanding, compassion, and proper intervention, the discussion calls for clarity of definitions so that assumptions may be adequately addressed and, more importantly, the right policies will be placed in society. But here in lies the rub. The proponents of the transgender movements have expressed the inconsistencies of their reasoning in the context of spirited debates, namely:

1. Undefined terms: Some critics of the transgender movement argue that the words used to describe gender identity and expression are vague and undefined, making it difficult to have a clear and meaningful discussion about the issues at hand. For example, "non-binary" can refer to a wide range of gender identities and expressions and may be difficult to define or understand.

2. Conflicting definitions: There are also concerns that the definitions of gender identity and expression used by the transgender movement conflict with traditional biological and social meanings of gender. This can create confusion and uncertainty, mainly when biological sex is relevant, such as in sports or healthcare.

3. Circular reasoning: Some argue that the transgender movement uses circular reasoning, in which gender identity is defined based on the individual's feelings or perceptions. This can make it challenging to discuss the underlying causes or implications of gender dysphoria.

4. Ignoring biological differences: There are also concerns that the transgender movement ignores or downplays the physical differences between males and females, particularly in sports or healthcare. This situation can create situations where individuals who identify as transgender are allowed to participate in activities or receive treatments that may not be appropriate or safe.

5. Disregarding social norms: Critics of the transgender movement argue that it disregards social standards and expectations related to gender, leading to confusion and tension in social situations. For example, allowing individuals who identify as transgender to use bathrooms or locker rooms traditionally reserved for the opposite sex can create discomfort and even pose a safety risk.

Areas of Challenges

While the transgender movement has undoubtedly helped raise awareness and support for individuals who identify as transgender or gender non-conforming, there are also potential dangers associated with fully adopting this movement without carefully considering the complexities involved. Some of these risks could include:

1. Safety concerns: Fully adopting the transgender movement without considering the potential safety risks could create situations where individuals feel uncomfortable or even unsafe. For example, if a male who identifies as transgender is allowed to enter female-only spaces like bathrooms or locker rooms, it could make females feel vulnerable and uncomfortable.

2. Ethical dilemmas: Adopting the transgender movement could also raise ethical dilemmas in gender reassignment surgeries or hormonal treatments. Some individuals may regret their decision to transition later in life, and the long-term impact of hormonal treatments or surgery is not fully understood.

3. Conflict with traditional values: Adopting the transgender movement may also conflict with traditional values and beliefs, leading to social or cultural tensions. For example, some religious groups may view the transgender movement as going against their ideas about gender and sexuality.

4. Impact on children: Fully adopting the transgender movement could significantly impact children, who may be more susceptible to social pressures and influences. Some children may be encouraged to transition, even if they may not fully understand the implications of such a decision or may regret it later in life.

5. Legal challenges: Fully adopting the transgender movement could also create legal challenges, particularly in areas such as employment or education. There may be conflicts over anti-discrimination laws or the right to free speech and expression.

Disturbing Cases

In the past few weeks, there have been a lot of disturbing incidents that represent some of the problems connected with adopting transgender rights without careful study of the matter:

1. TransMale Athlete Dominating Female Powerlifting Category: The participation of a TransMale athlete in the female powerlifting category has generated much debate. According to Catholic teachings, each individual is created in the image and likeness of God and should be treated with respect and dignity. In this situation, ensuring fairness for all competitors while upholding the dignity and well-being of the TransMale athlete, considering their unique experiences and challenges, is essential.

2. TransMale Athlete Causing Partial Paralysis to a Female Athlete in a Female Category: The tragic incident of a TransMale athlete causing partial paralysis to a female athlete highlights the need to address safety concerns in sports. Catholic social teachings emphasize valuing human life and protecting the common good. Therefore, it is necessary for sports authorities to carefully examine their policies and consider the physical differences between athletes to ensure everyone's safety and well-being.

3. High School Female Showering in a Women's Locker Room Seen by an Adult Male Who Identified Himself as a Female: The incident involving a high school female seen by an adult male who identified as a female in a women's locker room raises concerns about privacy, safety, and creating spaces that respect the dignity of all individuals. Catholic teaching emphasizes the importance of modesty and the sacredness of the human body. As such, schools and other public spaces must find ways to uphold these values while providing safe, respectful environments for people of all gender identities.

4. 60-Year-Old Male Identifying as a 6-Year-Old Girl Parading in a Dress: This event involving a 60-year-old individual identifying as a 6-year-old girl highlights the complex nature of self-identification and the need for compassion and understanding. From a Catholic perspective, it is essential to approach this individual with love and respect while recognizing the sacredness of human life at all stages.

5. Dog Owners Wanting to Transition Their Dog from Male to Female: The case of dog owners desiring to transition their pets from Male to female brings attention to the relationship between humans and animals within the context of Catholic teachings. As stewards of God's creation, we are responsible for caring for animals with kindness and respect. However, making decisions about an animal's gender may not align with this stewardship, and further reflection is needed on this ethical issue. Incidentally, what is mind-boggling about this incident is how the veterinarian and clinic staff carefully pointed to the owners that a thorough investigation of the dog's background must be done before the operation. But this was not the case for some children who were immediately sent to the operating room for a gender reassignment procedure without their parent's consent. And after a few years, some of those children regret that they had this irreversible operation.

6. Teachers Seeking Validation from 7-Year-Old Students Acknowledging Their Non-Binary Identity: As society's understanding of gender identity expands, some educators seek validation from young students regarding their non-binary identities. Catholic education emphasizes the importance of forming the whole person, rooted in faith and love. In addressing gender identity, it is vital to create a supportive environment for all students and to guide them with age-appropriate discussions rooted in Catholic teachings on human dignity and love.

Safety of all at all times

Being authentic and true to one's identity does not give anyone the right to trample the rights of other individuals for security and safety. It's important to recognize and respect the rights and needs of all individuals in society and to strive for policies and procedures that balance the rights and needs of all individuals involved.

While individuals who identify as transgender have the right to express their true gender identity, this must be balanced with the safety and well-being of all individuals in society. Policies and procedures must be developed with a commitment to inclusivity, fairness, and respect for all individuals and should consider the potential implications for safety and security.

It's essential to approach any discussion of gender identity and expression with empathy, open-mindedness, and a commitment to respectful dialogue. While there may be disagreements or conflicts over policies and procedures, striving for a society that is inclusive and accepting of all individuals is essential. Instead of ending the movement's goal towards recognition and respect for diversity and complexity of gender identity and expression, it should lead towards rational dialogue, eradication of injustice to all, and the evolution of a society that recognizes every human being as a member of our family. 


Heavenly Father, we ask for your guidance as we engage in meaningful dialogue with all our brothers and sisters. Grant us the wisdom to listen with open hearts and uphold Christian values and morality. Teach us to respect diverse perspectives while staying true to our faith. Bless our conversations with love, compassion, and understanding, and inspire us to work together to create a more just and harmonious world that honors Your divine creation. In Jesus' Name, we pray, Amen.

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